The Growing Retail Pharmacy
“You Pharmacy always for YOU!”
You Pharmacy Sdn Bhd was established in 2013 in Malaysia, as a retail pharmacy at Century Garden, Johor Bahru. Co-founder, You Kian Sin, had the idea when he was studying at university.
“I always know what I wanted to do since young, and I never stop planning and strategizing even until today.” – Mr. You Kian Sin
The ideas to grow and expand had been incepted from the beginning, until the plan was being materialized end of year 2021. The company has since been expanding, with supports from family members and confidence in Mr. You.
At You Pharmacy, “YOU” refers to all customers, which are the heart of our businesses.
The aim is to create one-stop pharmacy and top-notch healthcare services to community, within reach at reasonable price.
优药剂在2013年成立于马来西亚,首间优药剂位于新山世纪花园。联合创办人,尤健新先生 從大學時期就怀有创立自己品牌药剂行的梦想。
“我一直都知道自己想要做什麽。直到今天我都一直規劃著。” – 尤健新
一直想要成長的計劃從開店的那刻起从未间断, 直到2021年年底扩展药剂行生意的想法终于付诸动,家人的支持和對於尤先生的信心让优药剂继续扩展中。

Vision and Mission

Consumers’ top choice when comes to healthcare and pharmacy retails. Become top healthcare company in Malaysia and get listed in Bursa Malaysia.

To take care of everyone’s health through retail pharmacy and spread the influence through customers to take care of customers and create values for them while bringing growth to company.